• Genuine, OEM, aftermarket, remanufactured and used – what’s the difference?

  • Sometimes called OEs (not to be confused with OEMs), these are the same parts that your vehicle was equipped with in its manufacture. This means that even if they were originally produced by a different brand or company, they will be delivered in a company box corresponding to the car manufacturer. This is often the safest option, because you no doubt know that they will suit your car, and if the manufacturer’s warranty applies to your car / van, it will remain valid.
  • However, the drawback of original or original spare parts is that they are often the most expensive option.
  • OEM
  • The value is “Original Equipment Manufacturer” or “spare parts”. This description describes the original parts that were manufactured by a third-party company that supplies the manufacturer with components for the car.
  • This usually applies when component manufacturers (such as Bosch or Valeo) agree to sell parts on their own. This leads to the replacement of parts that are cheaper than the original or original spare parts, and sometimes they can be used without voiding the warranty.
  • Aftermarket
    Sometimes known as spare parts, spare parts are often designed to provide cheaper replacement for original or original parts. This is usually done when secondary companies purchase the rights to manufacture a part using a sample that was purchased from the original manufacturer.
  • However, spare parts can be very confusing and difficult to navigate. This is due to the fact that they can significantly surpass the original and original parts, while, on the other hand, there is also the risk that they can be made very poorly.
  •  Some parts actually use higher quality materials in their components. After all, car manufacturers often have to cut costs so they can use cheaper materials. Parts, on the other hand, can be made from substandard materials that wear out quickly or may need to be adapted in the garage to fit your car.
  • For spare parts, it is especially important to ensure that these parts are labeled with the ISO. Thus, you protect yourself from low-quality products and ensure quality.
  • Remanufactured Parts
    Some parts of a car are made up of many different components, and when they fail, this often occurs as a result of a breakdown of one component. For example, a gearbox may have one defective part, and after fixing and replacing a malfunction, it can function almost as good as a new one..This solution is ideal if you need an economical way to return an old vehicle to the road, however it is important to make sure that the reconditioned part includes a guarantee, because the installation of remanufactured parts can sometimes reveal defects in parts that subsequently fail. to fail. However, they are still a good option for those with older cars that need to replace an expensive component.
  • Used
    This is often the cheapest option; However, they may come with certain risks. Like everything that is sold in used condition, it is important that you buy only from reputable and trustworthy enterprises. With used parts, you must ensure that they are stored in the correct environment and handled by experienced and experienced personnel with care.

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