OEM Mitsubishi Parts California

If you are looking for an authorized Mitsubishi parts retailer, you can purchase Mitsubishi parts in California here in West Mitsubishi. Our service department is combined with an excellent parts department. We have the spare parts needed for your personal vehicle or business park.

Big Supply

Since we have a busy service department, we have a large stock of spare parts. You can get the necessary OEM parts, and if we do not have them in place, we just call our suppliers at the warehouse. Many local repair shops come to us for OEM parts, and many DIY enthusiasts. Thus, we must be ready and ready when they turn to us for components of all kinds. You can be sure that we are an authorized seller of Mitsubishi spare parts.

Fair Prices

As a major user and local Mitsubishi parts supplier in California, our large inventory helps us reduce costs. We can buy in bulk and pay lower prices. Then we can give you the savings. Unlike auto parts stores, we offer genuine OEM parts. They are guaranteed to work like the original factory installed part. You can purchase Mitsubishi parts in California here at West Mitsubishi and enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you have bought a genuine, well-designed component.

Helpful Staff

Our staff will help you find the part you need. Whether it’s a fan belt or a wiper, we have spare parts for your repair or upgrade. Western Mitsubishi staff are knowledgeable about all of Mitsubishi’s things. They are trained to understand the purpose and value of the parts they sell. If you are not sure what you need, they can advise you. Our staff is available by phone and will take your call seriously. We want to help DIY craftsmen make repairs properly. We also work with many Mitsubishi owners who simply want new tires, new wheels or special accessories for their ride.

Major Reasons for Using OEM Parts

Experts recommend OEM parts for the following reasons:

  1. Provides the most demanding fit
  2. Guaranteed to offer the same heat resistance as the original parts
  3. It is guaranteed that there will be the same chemical compound as the original
  4. Guaranteed to perform the exact function for the part that it replaces
  5. Conforms to all national standards.
  6. Helps maintain owner warranty coverage
  7. Provides the most effective maintenance and repair
  8. May contribute to longer road life
  9. Approved by Mitsubishi parent company



What are OEM parts? What are aftermarket parts?

OEM is an abbreviation from the manufacturer of original equipment designed for a particular model by highly qualified Mitsubishi engineers. For example, Eclipse 2010 will have a very specific gasket that Outlander 2015 would not have. It will be made of a specific metal alloy and will be able to withstand a certain amount of heat and shock. On the other hand, spare parts for the secondary market were developed by a manufacturer who did not create a car. Instead, this manufacturer conducted a reverse study to determine the size and composition of the part. In fact, spare parts are fake. Of course, many people do not mind soap or shampoo, which is not a brand. However, these fakes cannot damage your machine.
Broken car parts can be a problem if they work poorly, do not fit accurately or are not durable enough. This can lead to more repairs and shorter vehicle life. Another way to look at the difference is to consider federal testing. When the government tests a vehicle, it has all its original equipment manufacturer parts. Therefore, any EPA fuel economy ratings and any NHTSA safety ratings reflect OEM capabilities.
The Environmental Protection Agency cannot and does not verify individual details. Thus, buyers can be sure that parts only work when they are part of the original Mitsubishi, that is, original spare parts. Similarly, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is testing the original Mitsubishi and cannot conduct individual retests when adding new parts from another manufacturer. When OEM parts are replaced with spare parts, you begin to detract from the performance of the car, and you cannot rely on its EPA or NTHSA ratings to be as accurate as they were during the initial test.

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